Monday, August 30, 2010


  So being sum 1 who spends a lot of time on  gossip sites and watching reality shows of celebs, I cant help but to notice that sex industry has been making a really big buzz lately. Even with the modeling industry, more and more over the top sexual images are becoming way more excepted. At first the thought of it used to really bother me because when it comes to anything sexual I believe that it's something that should be kept sacred between you and your partner. As a woman I take great pride in the fact that my significant other is THE ONLY PERSON ON THIS EARTH THAT HAS A CONNECTION WITH  ME ON A SEXUAL LEVEL. And as a man I know that's something that he treasures as well. It's like that look and smirk that a dude gives another guy that may be staring at his girl like, " Yeeeaa nigga, thats all me right there and NO body elses". I will even admit that I myself would look down on people that where too sexually explicit or "out there" when it came to sex. Then you have all this coverage lately on Montana Fishburne, the daughter of Laurence Fishburne, and how she has made the decision to be in the porn industry. Now my personal opinion of her decision is split about 30/70... 30% of me feels bad for her just because of the fact that she is carrying on a very prestigious name. None of us really know what her home situation is but I would like to think that her dad paved a way for her in which she didn't have to go this route. But then it's that 70% of me that says " F**k It!! She's grown and old enough to know what she is doing!" At the end of the day somebody has to do it. It just sort of sucks when you may know that person or know that they could have so much potential in something a little more dignifying. I remember when I first found out that one of my classmates was in the porn industry. I just had that thought that if that's what she wants to do then so be it but it is a bit unfortunate knowing she didnt have to take that path to become successful. Then again that just goes to show that you never know a person or their situation so for us to judge anyone isn't right. But then I happened to watch an interview with Montana that opened my mind a little bit more & even changed my view on judging these overly sexual beings. She made the comment that she doesn't understand why people are coming down on her and judging when these are the same people that will watch porn.... It was at that moment when I realized A) she wasn't as dumb as a thought and B) she just made the best point that doesn't just apply to sex and porn but to ANYTHING IN LIFE!
  At the end of the day you can only be responsible for your actions and what might be one's interest doesn't have to be yours! Montana Fishburne's choice to be in the sex industry was her own choice because that's what she feels she is good at. Regardless of the moral stand point. Now i'm not saying that I personally would show my temple to millions of people & have sex with multiple people on or off a camera cuz i wouldnt. But when it's all said and done TO EACH IT'S OWN. If anything I honestly can say I respect a porn star, stripper, video vixen, etc. a little bit more than just a regular person who wants to hoe around for free! (Lol) We should no longer look down on people that choose a different path then what the next person might have taken. So next time you catch yourself talking about who slept with who and how many times, or who is doing what and how... take a look in the mirror.

    INTERESTING FACT: You wanna know something you may not have even thought or be surprised about??? I respect and will even admit to being a fan of the works of Pinky & Maliah Michel just to name a few:-)


  1. Interesting piece. Good read!

    Why are you a fan of those women though? Just Curious.

  2. thank you! And I take a liking to those woman just cuz i watch some of their interviews and footage outside of what they are know for doing and I can relate to them and respect their hustle. they are more than just a big butt or a pretty face.

  3. Don't you think that (regardless of their hustle and intentions) they help to perpetuate a stereotype of women being nothing more than a big butt or a pretty face? I mean a 15-18+ year old man looking at porn isn't thinking about a womans hustle. Hell I would say that most people who look at porn aren't really thinking about the women, they are thinking about doing the women and there is a difference. Their more of an object than a person really.

  4. MOST CERTAINLY! I agree that the image they portray is very stereotypical. and i actually am very big on offering more than just wats between ur legs. but it's that other part of me that shrugs and just excepts that that is part of this world and somebody has got to do it i guess. at the end of the day im jus glad I have enough self pride and dignity not to resort to that. It may sound a little weird or contradictory but there are two sides to everything. lol.
